
My Story
When I was younger, I was slender and healthy for the most part until I started eating junk food. Potato chips, hostess cupcakes, ice cream, I’m sure you can relate!
At that point, I started a roller coaster ride where I was constantly traveling between thinner and heavier, and dieting to lose weight only to return to my poor eating habits, which would undo all my results. Sounds familiar?
During the 1980s I tried almost every diet that I could find with no lasting results.
Then… when I reached my 40s, I had a job where I was sitting at a desk all day and my weight began to reach new heights! No matter what I tried, I could not bring it back down.
At 45 years old, I had developed high blood pressure, diabetes, and 5‘5“ tall I weighed 298 pounds!
It was at that point in my life I realized I had reached the crossroads, and I had a decision to make. Either try to reclaim my health or accept the terrible fate I would have to suffer from my obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
I chose to try to regain my health! The first thing I did was to take a pamphlet from my doctors office on the correct diabetes diet. I followed it religiously for three months and saw no improvement of any kind. My conclusion was that what the American diabetes association made available for diabetics, simply didn’t work.
As time went by, the Internet was created, and I began to use various websites for researching my weight problem.
YouTube was a great resource, and I found a number of websites from various heart doctors who specialize in diabetic patients, and they claim that cutting out carbohydrates and sugar from your diet would allow you to start losing weight.
From my understanding, this is how your body works. Certain foods like carbohydrates and sugar, cause your glucose level to rise, which in turn causes your insulin hormones to be released. And when the insulin is released, your body is unable to access stored fat reserves. That means that anything you should eat , when your insulin levels are high will automatically be stored as fat.
When you are able to remove all carbohydrates and all sugar from your diet, you are then able to start burning the stored fat.
I discovered various keto diet channels, carnivore diet channels, and fasting channels. They all seem to hold various clues, which would help in my success!
I started the ketogenic diet first and lost a large chunk of my weight within three months. But then I hit a plateau and I could not lose another ounce regardless of what I tried.
In the keto diet, they say, “Eat all that you want and become satiated.“ I discovered that that is very poor advice.
All food provides energy to your body, and your body only needs so much energy to function based on your activity levels. so when they say eat all that you want until you are full, doesn’t help you to lose weight.
Think about it…. Your stomach is already stretched beyond its normal bounds, and you’ve lost communication between your stomach and your brain so that you do not get the signal when you are full!
To add insult to injury, I used to enjoy drinking when I would get home from work. After three cocktails while waiting for my food to cook, I would become three sheets to the wind and end up eating enough food to feed two people! No wonder I was so large!!
Since alcohol turns to sugar, and sugar, spikes, insulin, and insulin prevents the process of burning fat, I realized that the bad habit of drinking would have to go!
What do you want more in life? To be able to enjoy all the foods that made you sick, or to repair your body and regain your health?
After you reach a certain age in life and maybe this is also true when you were younger, the most important thing that you possess in life is your good health.
It wasn’t until I realized that when you cup your hands together that is the size of a normal stomach. About the size of a rice bowl.
So I started eating smaller portions, which was mostly made and non-starchy vegetables, and I began losing weight again.
Doing further research, I discovered that intermittent fasting would be a great tool for me, and I began eating, just one meal a day. I started out by skipping a meal and just eating two meals a day, and then eventually worked my way down to only one meal . Sometimes it takes baby steps to succeed!
I really began to see progress on a daily basis, and my confidence was growing!
But there was one missing link in my strategy, that was exercise. Exercise is the real fountain of youth, and in order to repair your body after all the damage that has been caused to it by poor habits, I started a walking program.
You need to exercise to restart your metabolism. So I mapped out a walk that was 2 miles long, and I started walking it every day. After several weeks, I started to feel so good and have so much energy that I started walking 2 miles twice a day .
Along the way, I have discovered many recipes to replace the things that I missed in my old lifestyle, such as bread, pizza, ice cream, rice, and potatoes, and it is possible to enjoy them on a limited basis.
If you choose to learn more and become a member, I will share all of my recipes with you.
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This process is founded upon "Baby Step", In order to break bad habits and start new ones, you will need to use baby steps to achieve your goals.
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